
Carrot Finance offers a solution to mitigate this complexity. Instead of users having to deliberate on which version of the Automated Market Maker (AMM) to select. We plan to introduce the most basic AMM, CPMM, followed sequentially by CLMM and Stable AMM. Additionally, we intend to adopt strategies for the efficient distribution of liquidity.

In conclusion, Carrot Finance is tirelessly working to reduce the complexities of DeFi and to offer a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

  • Q4 2024

    • DEX based on Uniswap V2

    • Multi-Chain Launchpad

    • Concentrated Liquidity AMM

    • Cross-Chain Bridge

  • Q1 2025

    • VE(3,3) tokenomics & Staking

    • Cross-Chain Swap

  • Q2 2025

    • Automated Market Maker

    • Coming Soon

Last updated